• Mr. Pankaj Bhatt
  • pankajbhatt80@gmail.com
  • +91 9826910161

Our Mission

Counseling provided by trained professional Counselors, they can make a profound impact on the lives of Individuals, Families and Communities. This service helps people to handle their difficult life situations, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, natural disasters, school stress and the loss of a job. It provides the tools and insights to manage mental health issues, such as anxiety, stress and depression. Ultimately, counseling empowers people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Counseling was always there in the society and seems to have always been a part of the human experience. It has been important as from parents and grandparents advising there family members.

Our Vision

Just like other aspects of education of adolescents and young persons with disabilities, career development which is a lifelong process, can be quite challenging. There could be attitudinal barriers in employment. The issue of competition for preferred job is there. The self-concept of the adolescent may be low and this could hinder his or her perception and performance at work. Challenges could arise as a result of cognitive deficits or other physical, psychological issues. Thus, career counselling becomes mandatory for every adolescent and young person who intends to succeed at school as well as at work place. Throughout the young person’s life, the counsellor should find ways of assisting in his or her vocational adjustment through career guidance and counseling programmes.

To sum up, appropriate early identification of persons with special needs, individual and group counselling (that would include exploration of vocational areas, skills, and career interests, goal setting, decision –making skills, mentoring) as well as vocational rehabilitation, should not only be encouraged and practised, but should also be part and parcel of their career development plans to enhance the overall career adjustment of persons with special needs.

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Mr. Pankaj Bhatt


Mr. Pankaj Bhatt


Mr. Pankaj Bhatt
